Unconventional Idea Generation

A former classmate of mine (who was fairly popular) seems to be the ultimate short idea generator (all his employers ended up being exceptionally great shorts). If you look at his resume, he looks like the guy you’d want to hire… I’ll let the world (and the all-knowing head-hunters) believe that. As far as I’m concerned, he’s an incredible idea generator. For short ideas…

Employment history

2006-2008 - Bulge-bracket, “too big to fail” investment bank (phenomenal short)

2008-2009 - Private equity (phenomenal short)

2009-2011 - Obama Administration - Clean-tech investments (phenomenal short… think Solyndra)

2011 - GroupOn (Phenomenal short)

2011-Present - Mobile/Social Commerce …. 

Originally posted on May 31, 2013

::UPDATED:: June 3rd, 2013

It seems that a certain Carson Block, and Muddy Waters Research LLC  (directionally) agrees:

It (Silicon Valley) has “a lot of truly innovative companies, but there are also a number of companies in the Valley that are more pretenders,” he says, adding that tech companies won’t be Muddy Waters’s exclusive focus.

Though we share a coincidental interest in tech companies (that may or may not be HQ-ed in Silicon Valley), Salesforce.com’s recent acquisition makes you really wonder.

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